
仅供参考 - 教职员工和博士后录取通知书模板 have been removed because we now have the capability of creating offer letters electronically through the UNH 新员工培训 process.

请联系 人力资源招聘 了解更多信息.



教师是那些主要从事教学工作的人, 研究及服务, 并包括某些特殊类别,其中排名, 晋升和/或终身任职程序生效.

目前的教师就业机会列在 USNH就业机会 page - (click "搜索 Positions", and then choose 教师 from the "Job Category" drop-down menu.)


营运人员职位包括文书/秘书等职能, 工艺, 某些技术, 服务, 食品服务, 和保管的. 这些职位的个人按小时计酬.

当前操作人员的就业机会列在 USNH就业机会 page - (click "搜索 Positions", and then choose Non-Exempt from the "Job Category" drop-down menu.)

专业,行政和技术(PAT) /推广教育者(EE)

专业, 行政 and Technical (PAT) positions include such functions as supervisory and managerial, 会计, 艺术家, 工程师及以上技术职位.

Extension Educator (EE) positions include the full and part-time professional staff of the UNH Cooperative Extension Service. State staff are located at the University and county agents are located in each of the ten counties. 扩展教育工作者有责任进行评估, development and implementation of continuing non-formal education programs for the people of New Hampshire. 他们拥有以下级别之一的职位:推广指导员, 助理推广教育工作者, 副推广教育家和推广教育家. In most instances staff members having formal teaching or research assignments in addition to their Cooperative Extension responsibilities will hold faculty appointment.

这些豁免职位是按工资支付的. 目前PAT和EE的就业机会列在 USNH就业机会 page - (click "搜索 Positions", and then choose Exempt from the "Job Category" drop-down menu.)


Departments occasionally have a need for temporary help and may post their temporary positions on our online employment site.

目前的临时职位在 USNH就业机会 page - (click "搜索 Positions", and then choose "Temporary" from the "Job Category" drop-down menu.)

(请参阅教务长网站上的手册,点击 在这里)


人力资源 conducts new hire orientation sessions every other Monday throughout the year. 好处 overview and enrollment process is presented at orientation and is time-sensitive relative to the effective date of the benefits. 新教员在学年开始时被邀请参加教员培训. 欢迎在一年中的其他时间开始工作的教师参加.


Recruiting applicants for staff positions within the University of New Hampshire is the mutual responsibility of the 人力资源 Recruiting team and the hiring department. To ensure that the employment process proceeds smoothly, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. 职位空缺

职位发布由主管或部门超级用户在线创建. 建议认真考虑职位描述. This position description provides the opportunity to describe the essential functions and responsibilities, 以及工作规范, 比如技能和经验. 的 position description should be representative of major duties and will be the cornerstone of the recruitment process, 哪一种方法能招聘到最合格的应聘者. 你的 人力资源合作伙伴 is available to assist in establishing appropriate job-related requirements that may be used as the minimum standard for selection. 的 most suitable applicant should be chosen based on objective analysis of applicant credentials compared to the position description.

内部发布 (定义) 内部申请者:状态工作人员是内部申请人. Non-status staff members who have been employed within USNH for at least 12 months in total preceding the posting and who have worked at least 1,在这12个月期间,000小时也应被视为内部申请人. 学生就业不适用内部身份资格.

2. 广告

的 招聘团队 审核、批准和发布部门通过网站提交的职位 PeopleAdmin. External advertising, if necessary, will be prepared in cooperation with the hiring department. 所有的广告都是由招聘团队发布的 确保广告文案与品牌的一致性. 部门可以免费做广告. 广告费用必须经业务部门、院长和/或财务部门批准.

3. 采购申请


  • 通过LinkedIn进行搜索和拓展;
  • PeopleAdmin候选人数据库;
  • 低成本和无成本广告解决方案(包括多样性网站);
  • 网上搜索符合职位和经验水平的标准;


4. 筛选/面试

的 招聘团队 can help review and phone screen applicants and manage those that do not meet requirements or are above budgeted salary in order to narrow down your candidate pool to a more manageable number. We use a variety of behavioral based interview questions to help you determine whether your finalist(s) are the best fit for your role and department. 一旦电话面试完成, detailed notes along with salary expectations are forwarded to the hiring manager to make selecting finalists for on campus interviews even easier.

有关招聘流程的更多有用提示,请参阅 招聘工具包.

Supervisors will change applicant status in PeopleAdmin to maintain a record of all candidates considered.  A member of the 招聘团队 must be contacted prior to an offer being made to review candidate qualifications, 预算工资和内部公平.

5. 工作

一旦3个专业推荐令人满意地完成, 招聘经理将与 招聘团队 找到一个可接受的时薪/工资. 主管或招聘团队成员应提供就业机会, contingent upon the ability to provide valid work authorization and successful completion of a background check or a physical, 如果需要. 的 supervisor will notify all other finalists via email and make status changes in the PeopleAdmin system of the hiring decision.

 一旦收到口头接受并传达给招聘团队, 入职团队将制作一份电子录用信. 一旦录取通知书被创建, 发给新员工签字, along with tasks needed for them to complete in order to create their employee and job records. 请提醒你的新员工查看他们的电子邮件,看看是否有这样的主题: 欢迎来到澳门葡京网赌游戏系统, 要完成这些任务. 如果需要帮助,您和您的新员工可以联系 新员工培训

6. 工作报告

A new hire will be scheduled for orientation once the new hire has completed all HR paperwork. 新员工将参加虚拟的人力资源培训,并收到邀请, 和他们的主管一起复印, 开学前的星期三. HR orientation is held at the beginning of each pay period and a payroll schedule can be found 在这里. 的 department supervisor will be responsible for orienting the new employee to their job and the department.

 请联系人力资源部:862-0501(语音),862-3227 (TTY)了解更多信息.

如何为新员工建立电脑和电子邮件帐户: 教师, Staff and Students within the University System of New Hampshire are eligible for one or more Central System accounts. 信息技术管理的客户包括学术, 行政, 研究, Web贡献者和Exchange帐户. 

更多信息请参考 unit帐目.

 如何为新员工建立电话账户: 有关资料请参阅 它电信


的 University of New Hampshire welcomes employment applications from qualified foreign nationals and currently employs more than 150 international faculty, 达勒姆校区的员工和研究人员.

如果你正在考虑给一个不是美国公民的人提供工作机会.S. 美国公民或持有美国护照者.S. 永久居民外国人身份(绿卡), be aware that t在这里 are certain steps which the University must undertake on behalf of the international employee to permit us to legally employ him/her. 这个过程可能需要60天到6个月的时间才能完成, 这取决于签证的类型最适合的职位, 和/或个人目前的移民身份.

在确定你的报价之前, 我们强烈建议您联系UNH全球国际学生办公室 & 澳门葡京网赌游戏 oiss@主要研究.edu 讨论为潜在雇员获得工作签证的细节. 的 ois的网站 提供了大量澳门葡京网赌游戏美国的信息.S. 移民及工作签证. 如果你是一个UNH部门,想了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏雇用国际澳门葡京网赌游戏, 请浏览 联合国卫生组织全球网站.

如果你是外国人,既不是美国公民,也不是美国公民.S. citizen or permanent resident, and you are contemplating employment with UNH, go to visit the  联合国大学全球就业资源页面.